Sunday 1 April 2007

The big 43...............

Fit like loons?
As birthday's go, it's not one of my best, got a full chemo radgee on just noo. But, now there's a glimmer of light at the end of tunnel, I'm sure there'll be many more birthday's to come to make up for this'un.

Anyhoo, managed to stave off the worst of the hangover yesterday to complete a car boot sale down at Whiting Bay. Got rid of most of the junk we'd been hoarding over the years, made the fat end of 300 quid, pity the stuff cost me about 5 grand in the first place!

Got my official dates for the radiotherapy treatment (although I'm not sure how they've arrived here yet when I have not yet had my PET scan). Beatson Oncology Centre, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, latest dates - 23/4/07 to 21/5/07 (not including weekends). Trouble with these dates are that we are due to move house on the 15/5 so this might shove a huge spanner in the works and I can see some costly negotiations going on - more kerfuffle! Hopefully I'll only need the 3 weeks of radio, so it might all be over by the big day! Good news about the hotel, I'll be staying at The Jury's Inn in the city centre - nae bad at all. If your in the city during this time, give me a shout, I might be up for a light swally - kryptonite side effects permitting!

Hopefully, soon after these dates I'll be back in the Batcopter on route to the rigs......... (thats me by the way, aboot 40 years ago!!)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.......

Or should I say 7 more to the big 50! Just hold on to the fact that all this will be over by the end of the year and you can look forward to moving on.

loadsa love

Elaine, Michael, Devon and Kyra xxx

Chris said...

Sent you an email re radiothoropy, make of it what you will.
Have a good Birthday and all the best


Anonymous said...

Daz, happy birthday! You look great (for you age!!!) Must be all that home cooking you have been enjoying.

Enjoy Easter.


Andy hall said...

Happy Borthdee Brother! Sorry you were in Chemo hell but I love you all the same mate!

Happy birthday again and all the best now and always!


Andy XXX.

Anonymous said...

Belated Birthday wishes. 43 .... just a youngster, although John Gray and I were made to feel old by Ray stating he wasn't born when Lloyd Cole and the Commotions released Lost Weekend ... memories!
Will try to catch up with you in Glesga! Off on 6 week stint (as you will know .... so are you!?).
Sorry for not being 'on the ball' with travel etc).

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!