Thursday, 1 March 2007


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday saw the usual rounds of blood tests and Neupogen injections to bring my blood counts into something resembling a healthy person.
A 'round the horn' ferry ride saw me into Ardrossan for 0915 and Neil was again there to whisk me into Crosshouse bang on appointment time. The Heamo nurse told me my last counts were fine and I didn't need to give anymore blood today - wehey! Into the chemo room for 1030 and was soon hooked up via my right wrist to some IV saline. Two and a quarter hours later I was still hooked up to the saline while they fannied about with my chemo drugs. Infusion finally commenced at 1300, completed by 1450 - No Problemo. Still no Bleomycin for this badass.
This chemo session was particularly stressful as they found a way of playing music through the ward TV via the DVD player. It soon became obvious that Ashley had been there before me and had left a load of his CD's behind as we were treated to Perry Como, Andy Williams and Bing Crosby - it was absolute torture. I was the youngest on the ward by about twenty years and the other cancer punters were luvin' it, feet tappin' aplenty and one old fella was singing his heart out, I kept looking around for a shotgun but none could be found.
Things started to look up when they brought me a cuppa and a big plate of posh biscuits. I tanned the lot!!!
Good news on my future treatments, but more on this later.
Back home on the 1800 ferry, home made curry for tea, fantastic!

'The boys watch the girls
while the girls watch the boys
who watch the girls go by.........'
Piss off, Williams!!!


Anonymous said...

Quality writing Daz, just caught up after 6 off. Glad to hear that you're coping well.
Keep the heid up and keep writing. Amusing and informative........not often you get that out here!

Shaun W

Anonymous said...

Glad you're keeping your spirits up.

Will you not need Bleomycin again?

You must be getting stronger if your blood counts were up, - your body is fighting back!

What's wrong with Perry Como?

We would kill for one of Marie's curry's...

Julia, Ken and Sophie

David Hall said...

Just get them back with a few from your collection Daz - give the owld giffers some metal!

Glad the spirits are still up - don't laugh too hard at my red leathery face tonight on MC......


Andy hall said...

Sorry about the Music selection Daz! Maybe next time they will some OMD and Japan mixed in with some Saxon?

Sounds like you are doing well mate! See if you can get some of Wor Dave on the YOU TUBE or Sumik!

I don't get it over here! in fact I just don't get it!

Love and Sinatra

Andy XXX.