Thursday, 26 July 2007

Och ma heed!!

Struggled along offshore for over a week now with little respite from the skin burning. Although the pain in my arms has lessened the sensations have spread over the top of my turnip and down the left side of my face and appears to be getting more painful by the day.
The doc suspects a virus or nerve damage in the spinal cord and I'm being sent home tomorrow to give blood so they can rule out anything more sinister - more sick leave!!!. I've also developed a sore lump on the roof of my mouth which after a week shows no sign of shifting, might be just an ulcer but needs checking.
Hopefully it will all turn out to be nothing more than chemo/radio hangover and maybe doing a bit too much too soon! Felt knackered these last few days.
Stay tuned..................

1 comment:

David Hall said...


Just to let you know we are talking and thinking about you as I type. If it is any consolation, Cerys is very very excited about seeing you next week, all she can talk about is 'scoterland uncle darren'. We cant wait either.

Let me know about what days we can some up.
