Saturday, 12 May 2007

Radiotherapy - Week 3

This week has easily been the worst week of my adult life!! Even worse than my baddest chemo days. I haven't eaten anything since last Monday and even drinking water is pure torture. My throat is extremely sore and swollen and I have been told that this will persist for another two weeks before getting better. I've had no sleep for the last two nights either and I'm vomiting on occasion due to the swelling stimulating my gag reflex. On the bright side - if there is one, the radiotherapy is now complete and I've dropped 9 lbs of lard this week.
I'd expected these side effects, but me being a bad-arse thought I'd just shrug them off as usual but how wrong was I? I'm rattling with pain killers, I'm even on oral morphine but none of it is doing any good.
I also have a large bald patch on the back of my head which, as you can see looks fantastic!
My bowels have seized up due to no food, haven't had a Tom Tit for 5 days.

The blood test taken to check my thyroid function shows it is not producing the normal levels of T4 hormone - hence the sudden weight gain, but further, my pituitary gland is not producing enough TSH hormone to stimulate the thyroid. This may all be hangover from the chemo and is now being walloped by the radio. I am being referred to an endocrinologist when I get to Aberdeen. If its not one thing, its summink else!!!

Apart from that, everything's champion!!!!
More whinging to follow......................................


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! not a good week. Hope you soon feel better-chins up x
Does the date for your move still stand of May 15th?


Anonymous said...

Hang in there hun, almost there. I think you're doin' great considering, in fact I think you're fantastic.....Steady On Lass!!


Polly said...

Of all the pain in all the world a really sore, swollen throat has got to be the worst. I can't imagine having to suffer it for more than a couple of days, let alone weeks. I really feel for you.

Love Polly x

David Hall said...

Daz, thats the best haircut you have ever had!

Thinking of you and good luck on Tuesday


Chris said...

Daz, sounds shit! Hope you are feeling better soon and you are getting sorted for the house move. My PET scan in the morning, hope that nose is warm!!
Thinking of you

Anonymous said...

New Home, fresh start. 'living the dream'. A massive hug to Marie, I certainly can imagine what she has been going through this year. Nearly there, hope the week goes well for you both. x

Anonymous said...

Hope you soon feel better and put all of this behind you and look forward to a new life in your new home. I'm sure you'll feel better soon. Good luck for the move.

Loads of love from Elaine, Michael, Devon and Kyra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope the move went ok.
You're really on the final hurdle now, it'll soon be finished and you can resume normality.
Most of us don't know what you're going through, and we can only imagine how you must be feeling but we're with you all the way.
Nine pounds in a week...Just imagine how much lighter you'll be after the Mr Tit...

Julia, Ken and Sophie

Anonymous said...

We are all going to miss you both.
Your an amazing guy,

M&M Glenbank.