Friday, 18 May 2007


We're now on a temporary dial up connection until our broadband is up 'n truckin in the next week or two. Blog updates might be sporadic!
Moved into the new house on the 15th, everything went sweet and we're now busy emptying what seems like a thousand boxes! The house backs onto a field full of cows which stampede towards the house when the dogs start barking where they remain for an hour or two looking over the fence and scratching themselves on our wheelie bins.

Haven't eaten anything for twelve days now, my throat has been pure hell and I've demolished a couple of boxes of painkillers which give only slight respite. Went to the quacks the day before move day who suggested the pain was due to thrush, which apparently is common in chemo patients. The medicine prescribed has had no effect so I was at my new doctors yesterday where he suggested it might be strep throat and so prescribed an antibiotic which after only a day seems to be having an effect, might be eating normally next week. Lost 17lbs of blubber so far!
The doc suggested my blood counts might be low, so I also had a blood test while I was there, results on Monday.
Back to the unpacking........................


Chris said...

Glad move went OK and hope you are settling in OK. Throat seems a bit of a mare, and again hope better soon.
Chris and Vic

Anonymous said...

Hey Darren,
Hooray for the move and boo for the crappy side affects of your treatment.

Thrush.... You don't need a Doctor to tell you treatments for that nasty blighter.....Yoghurt, stop wearing african tan tights, disgard those knicker and tight fitting pedalpusher or jeans for a few days, no sex and be discrete when stratching your hole in public...oh dear. Get very well soon eh.

We are all really chuffed that you've moved and that you'll shortly feel a relaxed in your new surroundings.

Did Davey say we'd seen that bloke that used to part his camper van outside your house in Arran for the summer. He was in Seaham at a car boot a month ago or so, although, suprisingly he seemed to be acting like a know it all....bizarre.

x to Marie and Lewis x

Anonymous said...

Good luck in your new house, sorry I missed your departure. Missing the sounds of sawing, hammering, and drilling already. Met the new neighbours yesterday, no evidence that he is a newcastle supporter. Hope the throat is opening up again and you can get into some real nosh. All the best for the future for you and Marie.
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Daz, hope you are settling in ok and feeling much better by now hopefully. How are the cows?


Anonymous said...

Alright Daz, sounds like things are starting to look up for you now, well done. Here we might be seeing you back in the very near future possibly? Take care mate good luck Kev