Monday, 30 April 2007


Been doing a bit of surfing to find out what the large swelling is in my throat, just below my Adam's apple. I've had this swelling since the start of chemo in January. It comes and goes but is usually always there and is even more prevalent since the start of radiotherapy.
The lump is my thyroid gland and when swollen usually means it is not functioning correctly. The thyroid is responsible for regulating metabolism and when not functioning can lead to weight gain and fatigue among other symtoms - I knew it wasn't the pies!!! I'll bring this up with Doc F on Wednesday. A blood test/needle biopsy (woohoo) will confirm its function and can be substituted with thyroid hormone replacement therapy, although I think they won't entertain this until the radio is finished in two weeks. Off to the mainland today for Radio week 2, see ya Friday........................


Chris said...

Thanks for your comments.
Hope all going well in Glasgow with Radiotheropy. One more to go then life begins again after a short interval.

David Hall said...

Speak to you Friday bro - soz for the delay, life mad at the mo!


Andy hall said...

Long time no hear Brother? Hope you are doing well and give my love to Sis!

Call me sometime! WORK= 410-516-8085


Andy XXX.