Thursday 18 January 2007

'and our survey said.....................'

Well, the results are in, and I must admit are better than I had feared. I have something called Stage II - nodular sclerosing Hodgkinson's disease. Which basically means the cancer still within my lymph systen and has not yet spread to my organs or bone marrow - Bonus!!
I have two tumours one in my neck approx 1.6cm diameter and one in my chest approx 1.4 cm diameter.
My treatment will be 12 fortnightly sessions of chemo (ABVD) - told ya so!
The treatment would have been just 6 or 8 sessions but my other symptom of night sweats (uuuurgh!) means I'll be getting the full bifta. All sorts of blood tests during chemo, mid-term CT scan and a completion PET scan in Aberdeen also to look forward to.
Lets get this party started........................

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